Case Study: Kenya - a country of contrasts

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  • Kenya: A country of contrasts
    • Background information
      • Wealth in Kenya is extremely unevenly distributed
      • The rich and the poor live side-by-side
      • Nairobi (the capital) is very wealthy in some areas yet has high homeless rates
      • Surprisingly, some of the rich choose to live in slums
    • The rich
      • The incomes of the richest 20% have steadily increased over the last decade
      • Two-thirds of the nation's economy is controlled by a small group of around 8000 wealthy individuals
      • 20% of the population account for half the national income
    • The poor
      • The poorest 20% have 5% of the national income
      • Africa's largest slum (Kibera) is in Kenya - population: 170,000 +
      • 46% of Kenyans live below the poverty line


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