kamikaze key quotes

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  • kamikaze key quotes...
    • "embarked at sunrise"
      • imagery about light
      • suggests it is a great honor to die for your country, something to proud of
      • "sunrise" has connotations of something new, a new day.
      • hook, draws the reader and gives the impression of adventure or discovery.
        • the pilot discovers the beauty in life and decides not to kill people even though he knows he will shunned.
        • light imagery can also have connoations of religion which could suggest his mission is important
      • the free verse can also empathize this idea of a journey.
    • "which had been the better way to die"
      • sense of regret.
        • the narrotor feels a massive sense og guilt for not treating her father better. she clearly misses and wishes she had done better.
        • enjambment empathizes this regret and how she cant control it
      • the oxymoron "better way to die" indicates how poorly the solider had been treated.
    • "learned to be silent"
      • contrast to the last line "chattering and laughing"
        • its a metaphor for the silence that the father had to endure. it speaks volumes even though it was silents and it allows the readers to feel more sympathy for the father
          • sense of regret.
            • the narrotor feels a massive sense og guilt for not treating her father better. she clearly misses and wishes she had done better.
            • enjambment empathizes this regret and how she cant control it
        • the verb "learned" suggest that it wasn't the narrator fault that the father was ignored. they were only children had to do what they were told to do
          • touches on the idea of innocence
    • 3rd person so allows a wonder perspective and more sympathy as it has affected more than just one person.


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