Lancashire witches, Judges Bromley and Altham

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  • Judges Bromley and Altham
    • Bromley - Rose up the legal system to become Baron of the Exchequer.
      • His father was a high-profile lawyer and so Bromley was able to get his legal training for free
      • King James gave him the role of mediator with the House of Lords -  shows trust placed in him by the King.
    • Altham - Knighted by James I in 1605 - so also trusted by the King
      • Probably had similar views on witches to the King, consulted his copy of the King's book during the trial.
    • Structure of the trial - was held on 18-19 of August. Each of the accused was asked if they saw themselves as guilty
      • Defendants were not allowed to prepare a defence - probably didn't know charges until they were read out in court
      • Judges accepted dubious evidence, confessions were most likely made under torture
        • Altham had recently been accused of sending an innocent woman to the gallows
      • Roger Nowell acted as a prosecutor


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