Jim - Case Study Side Two

  • Created by: sadiek04
  • Created on: 10-01-23 10:34
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  • Jim - Case Study
    • Eating and drinking
      • NEED - Since his wife died Jim has relied on frozen ready meals as he has never cooked before.
      • PLAN - Check Jim has had a breakfast, Prepare a hot meal for lunch, Wash Up, Check that he has evening meal or food available.
      • NEED - He is    reluctant to drink because of the frusemide and incontinence.
        • PLAN - Encourage Jim to drink fluids with meals
      • He is TeeTotal
    • Eliminating
      • NEED - Jim is sometimes incontinent due to frusemide. He is embarrassed about this and will not wear a pad. He also does not change his clothes when soiled
        • PLAN -Encourage Jim to change his clothes if soiled
      • NEED - He may suffer from water retention due to kidney failure
        • PLAN - Weigh Jim daily and record weight on weight chart  and Check for increased swelling of feet and ankles when helping with shoes / slippers and socks
    • Washing and Dressing
      • NEED - Jim is usually dressed when care staff arrive but needs support with putting shoes /slippers and socks on
        • PLAN -  Support with putting on shoes / slippers and socks am
      • NEED -  Jim is sometimes incontinent due to frusemide. He also does not change his clothes regularly.
        • NEED - Jim is usually dressed except for his shoes and socks.
          • NEED - Whilst the OT at the hospital felt Jim should have support for a shower or bath he has refused this.
          • NEED - He has been provided with a grab rail in the bath (which is a walk in bath)
            • PLAN - Encourage Jim to change clothes when soiled. Support with dressing as required. Offer to help with bath or shower
    • Controlling Body Temperature
      • NEED - Jim’s temperature is usually 37 ?C He adjusts central heating and clothing to keep warm or cool down.
    • Mobilisation
      • NEED - Jim is a little unsteady on his feet. He has a frame that he sometimes uses otherwise he uses a walking stick.
      • NEED - Jim has some arthritis which can affect mobility.
      • NEED - He is still driving and feels this is important.
      • PLAN -  Encourage mobility and use of stick and frame as required Monitor mobilisation Encourage gentle activity using exercises in the file.
    • Working and Playing
      • NEED - Jim is a retired Local Government Officer
        • PLAN - Jim likes to talk about when he was working
      • NEED - Jim used to play bowls regularly at the Village Hall
        • PLAN - Encourage Jim to attend the Village Hall
      • NEED - He loves sport especially football and cricket. He supports Wolves.
        • PLAN - Talk to Jim about the cricket / football. Encourage Jim to watch games
    • Communicating
      • NEED - Jim is outgoing and enjoys conversations about a range of topics.
        • NEED - He is mentally alert and takes an interest in what is happening in the country
          • PLAN - Speak in a louder voice if Jim is struggling to hear Collect Jim’s paper from the village newsagent prior to morning call.
            • NEED -  He is slightly hard of hearing but does not wear a hearing aid Jim reads the paper daily
            • Spiritual Needs
              • NEED - Jim is a committed Christian and attends chapel regularly
              • PLAN -  Support Jim with celebrating Easter and Christmas Respect the fact that he does not drink alcohol Prepare a fish lunch on Friday if Jim would like this Facilitate contact with the minister where possible
      • PLAN - Talk to Jim whilst supporting him


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