Lord of the Flies_Jack

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  • Jack
    • Society
      • upper class
        • "I can sing in C sharp"
          • cultured
        • "tall, thin and bony"
        • red hair
          • not athletic
            • "tall, thin and bony"
        • doesn't care about choir/others
          • "who cares what you believe - Fatty"
          • "talking not listening"
      • "Ralph and Jack looked at each other while society paused about them"
        • don't know how to light fire
        • Act highly but aren't special
    • Development
      • ""This is real exploring" said Jack "I bet nobody's been here before""
        • fun + amusement
        • games
      • "They new very well why he hadn't; because of the enormity of the knife descending and cutting into living flesh; because of the unbearable blood"
        • at this point can't even kill a pig
      • "we're not savages"
      • "dog-like"
        • becomes a hunter
        • more primitive to survive
      • "a sharpened stick about five feet long"
      • "he passed like a shadow"
      • "seducative, maddening"
      • "the madness came into his eyes again"
      • "Jack had to think for a moment before he could remember what rescue was"
      • "rapt"
      • "they walked along, two continents of experience and feeling, unable to communicate"
      • mask
        • "Jack planned his new face"
        • can act without consequence
        • hides true self
        • "the mask was a thing on its own"
      • "I cut the pig's throat"
      • "and able at last to hit someone"
      • "Not even Ralph knew how a link between him and Jack had been snapped and fastened elsewhere"
      • "use a littlun"
      • "I'm not going to play any longer"
      • "He was safe from shame or self consciousness behind the mask of his paint and could look at each of them in turn"
    • Leadership
      • "where's the man with the trumpet"
        • looking for authority --> take control
      • "uniformed superiority"
      • challenger
        • "Jack was in charge of the hunt"
        • "but you've talked and talked!"
        • "I'm chapter chorister and head boy"
        • "I'm Chief"
        • "The Chief"
        • "Jack's face disappeared under a blush of mortification"
        • "I ought to be chief"
        • uses beast as justification for tribe
          • Stalin + Communism
      • "we'll get food"
      • "we'll look for the snake"


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