Islamic Practices

Mindmap on Islamic Practices for New specification GCSE

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  • Islamic Practices
    • 5 Pillars of Islam
      • Shahadah
        • 1st Pillar of Islam
        • Declaration of faith
        • "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger"
        • Said to a new born baby, and before a Muslim dies
      • Salah
        • 2nd Pillar of Islam
        • Pillar of Prayer, Sunni pray x5, shi'a pray x3
        • "When call to prayer is mad,, hurry"
      • Zakah
        • 3rd Pillar of Islam
        • Charity, 2.5% of surplus wealth
        • Reminds them of Muhammad, being Poor
        • " Allah will destroy Usury, but bless Charity"
        • Muslims believe they have a duty to help the poor
      • Sawm
        • 4th Pillar of Islam
        • Fasting
        • Muslims will fast during the month of Ramadam
        • During this time they'll become closer to Allah
      • Hajj
        • Final Pillar
        • Every Muslims should make this trip once in their lifetime
        • Visit the origins of Islam
        • Untitled
    • Ten Obligatory Acts
      • Zakah
      • Khums
      • Jihad
      • Untitled
      • Untitled
    • Jihad
      • Greater Jihad
        • Inner struggle
        • Resisting against temptation, e.g. drugs
        • "I take refuge from Shaytan
      • Untitled
      • Untitled
    • Festivals
      • Id-ul-Fitr
        • Lesser Eid
        • Celebration for Allah helping them through Ramadam
        • Paint houses, buy new clothes, 3 day festival
      • Id-ul-Adha
        • Remember Ibrihim sacrificing Ism'ail
        • Sacrifice animals
        • Give Presents
      • Day of Ashura
        • Mainly Shi'a festival
        • Ali's son was killed on this day
        • Lots of mourning
        • Untitled


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