Indian Independence

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  • Indian Independence
    • Discontent with British Rule
      • Advantages of British Rule
        • Britain helped India to modernise by building railways and improving the school system.
        • The British helped revolutionise Indian industry. The production of tea, coffee and spice provided jobs.
      • Disadvantage of British Rule
        • Britain imposed harsh taxes on India.
        • Many people were living in poverty because of the high taxes.
        • Most of the money that went into India, went to the British.
        • There were very few Indian landowners and most big business was British owned.
        • Employees were treated terribly.
        • India had no independence. The British installed loyal governments and those who opposed were treated harshly.
    • Religious Tension
      • India had 3 main religious groups- Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs.
      • The 3 groups did not always get along, even before the British arrived.
      • The British made religious divisions worse by following a policy of 'divide and rule' Which meant they empowered the Hindus and ignored the Muslims.
      • The British established the Indian National Congress however, this did not give them much control of the running of the country.
      • The INC eventually became active in calling for independence. There were 2 main groups in the INC.
        • The Congress Party
          • Mainly Hindu
          • Gandhi was a key member
          • Wanted India to remain united, with better rights under British rule.
          • Later split into a 'hot' faction who wanted revolution and a 'soft' faction who wanted oeace.
        • The Muslim League
          • A Muslim party.
          • They wanted independence from Britain
          • They wanted to divide India into a Hindu state and a Muslim state.
    • Gandhi and the Independence Movement
      • Living conditions for the Indians was getting worse and the British were not helping.
      • Calls for independence began to grow and Gandhi led a campaign for civil disobedience to bring an end to British rule without violence.
      • In 1888 Gandhi studied law in Britain. From 1891-1914, Gandhi spent time in South Africa campaigning for fairer treatment of Indians.
      • In 1920 Gandhi organised a boycott of British goods and institutions. He was imprisoned from 1922-24.
      • In 1931, Gandhi began negotiating for Indian Independence in London but failed.
      • In 1947, India and Pakistan are granted independence as separate countries. Gandhi wanted a united India.
      • In 1948, Gandhi was murdered by a Hindu fanatic. He became known as 'Mahatma' which means Great Soul.
    • Continued Problems
      • Britain granted India independence in 1947 however, they left without setting up a workable government.
      • Violence erupted between the Hindus and Muslims because they both wanted to be in power.
      • It was decided that India should be divided into 2.
      • Pakistan- would be mostly Muslim. Independence declared on 14th August 1947.
      • India- Would be mostly Hindu and Sikh. Independence declared on 15th August 1947.
      • The 2 countries remained British dominions which meant they had the British monarch.
      • In 1950 India became a republic so no longer had the British Queen as the Head of State.
      • In 1971, Pakistan became a republic.
      • In 1971, a civil war in Pakistan led to the creation of Bangladesh


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