Lord Capulet - Key Quotes

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  • Act 1 , Scene 2
    • ''She’s the hopeful lady of my earth.''
      • Capulet think very highly of his daughter and Juliet is very important to him.
        • Juliet is his entire world - she is his only surviving child.
    • ''Too soon marred are those so early made,''
      • He thinks Juliet is still too young and naive for something like marriage.
        • Could suggest that he's an overprotective father who doesn't want to let his daughter go.
          • This maybe implies that he thinks that Juliet's mother, Lady Capulet, gave birth too young.
            • It was perfectly normal, during the time of Shakespeare, for girls to marry as young as 12.
    • ''Within her scope of choice,''
      • Women having a say in who they want to marry was unheard of in the 16th century as it was a patriarchal society.
        • This make Lord Capulet seem very modern and liberal for a 16th century patriarch.
          • This could suggest that he think very highly of his daughter.
    • ''My will to her consent is but apart,''
      • He values Juliet's opinions and cares fr his daughter's feelings.
        • This would have come as a shock to the audience, as it was a patriarchal society.
      • This would have come as a shock to the audience, as it was a patriarchal society.
    • Lord Capulet - Key Quotes
      • Act 3, Scene 5
        • ''Hang! Beg! Starve! Die in the streets!''
          • Capulet is used to getting his own way as it was a patriarchal society.
        • ''I beseech you on my knees,''
          • Juliet is begging her father to listen to her, but he won't listen - this juxtaposes to the things he say in Act 1, Scene 2.




Thank you very much! This is very helpful :)

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