Hume's Empiricism - Section 4

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  • Hume's Empiricism - Section 4
    • How we arrive at the knowledge of cause and effect
      • All reasoning's about matters of fact seem to be based on the relation of cause and effect, which is the only relation that can take us beyond the evidence of our memory and senses.
        • Ex1: If you ask someone why they believe some matter of fact which is not now present to him - for instance that his friend is now in France (EFFECT) - he will give you a reason, and it will be that some other fact, such as that he has received a letter from his friend or that his friend had planned to go to France (CAUSE)
    • The Foundation of conclusions from experience
      • Adam, even if his abilities to reason were perfect from the start, could not have worked out that the transparency and fluidity of water that it had the power to drown him, or that the cosiness of a fire could burn him.
        • The qualities of an obkect that appear to us via senses never reveal to us the effects that the object might have.
      • Analysis
        • Events that aren't like the common course of nature are also readily agreed to be known only by experience
          • No one would be able to work out why water and bread are nourishing for a human being but not for a leopard or jaguar.


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