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  • Magazine - Huck
    • Media Language
      • Examples
        • Ocelans Angels
          • opening double page spread uses cold blue lighting
            • connotes isolation
          • Wide shot in barren landscape
            • makes them look smaller representing the struggle and oppression they are facing.
        • Teenage Utopia
          • literary device of hyperbole in Heading contradicts stereotypical view of an area struck by terrorism.
            • Reflects how the youth refuse to let violence effect their community
          • lexis of 'divided' and 'no-go zone' when describing the rest of Brussels
            • highlights the difference between the older generation and the more accepting millennials.
        • Jakob Tobia article
          • Use of colour pink throughout eg. the pull quote.
            • Shows how Tobia and the article aim to challenge societies idea of masculinity and femininity.
    • Representation
      • Ethnicity
        • subversive
        • A lot more representation
          • (could be because of pressure from mainstream media to keep up with new social media where under represented groups are able to self represent)
      • Gender
        • Men could be considered a negotiated reader as thought they may agree with the content there is not a lot of representation of them in it.
        • Not aspirational
        • Heroic but also shows unity between these women in Female Fighters
      • Sexuality
        • Preferred reading for Non-Binary and Drag Queen articles
        • Generally positive representation
      • Religeon
        • Oppositional reading for LGBT+ articles because of beliefs
      • Youth
        • Rebellious in 'teenage utopia' they want to challenge cultural myths.
      • Social class
        • Middle class are negotiated reading for the freedom fighters ~ do not have same background and knowledge
    • Audience
      • Age
        • Millenials (18-35)
      • Gender
        • Mixed
      • Ethnicity
        • Mixed
      • Social Class
        • ABC1
          • Higher class with spare money. Evidence of this being in high end brands advertised.
      • Interests, tastes, Lifestyle
        • Skateboarding, surfing, urban/alternative, activism.
          • Niche audiences important to HUCK as they will subscribe when interested and often share articles online.
      • Target Media Group
        • Explorers
          • Very individual
            • Relate to non-binary article.
        • Refomers
          • Freedom of restriction
            • Relate to non-binary article.
        • Suceeders
          • Have a goal
            • Like the Women in Freedom Fighters
          • Higher class with spare money. Evidence of this being in high end brands advertised.
      • Active/ Interactive
        • On Identity and Political activity
          • Does the website, social media and emotive language.
    • Industry
      • Produced by TCO London
        • Clear ethos/counter cultural ideology
          • What does it offer?
            • Digital and Print editions
              • Print offers 'Long form journalism and reportage not offered on website'
                • Collectable with high quality photography
            • Collectable with high quality photography
            • Appeal to niche audiences
      • What does it offer?
        • Digital and Print editions
          • Print offers 'Long form journalism and reportage not offered on website'
          • Appeal to niche audiences
      • Social and Cultural Context
        • Paris Attacks/ Terrorism
        • BREXIT/ Refurendum
        • Patriarchal systems + Opression
          • Parts of the word eg. Frewedom fighters still far from gender equality
          • Around the time where the women's march gained popularity.
        • Christian and Islamic Religious values and beliefs
          • Generally not accepting of the LGBT+ community or gender expression
        • Cultural values and ideologies
          • Where freedom fighters are from they do not have equality between genders.


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