How patterns of power change over time

  • Created by: Amy Brown
  • Created on: 10-06-14 10:40
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  • How patterns of power change overtime
    • Named Example: the rise and fall of the British Empire
      • British empire was founded on exploration and sea power as its navy dominated the seas from 1700-1930s
      • 3 Phases:
        • 1) Mercantilist (1600-1850) = small colonies set up on coastal islands e.g. Jamaica with focus on trade including slaves
        • 2) Imperial (1850-1945) = whole conquest of territories, religion and culture spread e.g. cricket. Governments set up to rule colonies and complex trade networks
        • 3) Decolonisation (1945-) = After 2nd World war the UK was bankrupt and could not support the empire as before. Gowth of anti-colonial movements e.g. India
      • Britain still maintains a superpower legacy and has control over 14 overseas territories e.g. Falkland Islands. The commonweal contains 53 states that cooperate in common interests
    • Named Example: collapse of communism
      • Causes of collapse
        • Reforms in the USSR in 1985 by President Gorbachev which increased freedom of speach and allowed private ownership of small businesses
        • As these reforms spread there was soon an open revolt against the communist system and the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 ended the symbol of separation of the Cold War Superpowers
      • The USSR collapsed in 1990 when the communist party gave up its monopoly on power
      • This led to the breakup of the entire country as countries such as Latvia and Georgia broke away on independent nations
    • Named Example: the rise of the BRICs
      • Brazil, Russia, India and China
      • Strong economic growth
      • Large populations
      • Access to key resources e.g. fossil fuels
      • Market economies
      • Regional power and influence


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