How has crime changed in the last century?

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  • How has crime in the last century changed?
    • Homophobic crime
      • Until 1967, homophobia was legal in the UK
      • Sexual Offences Act decriminalised homosexuality for men aged over 21
      • 21st century - Criminal Justice Act (2005) gave courts new powers to issue more severe sentences for hate crime
      • New law meant that such an attack would be classed as a hate crime and was treated more seriously
    • Race crime
      • As Britain became more multicultural, new laws were needed to ensure that people from different minority groups were treated fairly.
      • 1968 Race Relations Act made it illegal to refuse jobs to anyone on the basis of their race, ethnic background or country of origin
    • Domestic violence
      • The Domestic Violence Act was passed in 1976.
        • gave victims the right to ask for an injunction against a violent partner
      • New laws were passed that made violence and abusive behaviour in relationships a crime
    • Abortion
      • The 1967 Abortion Act legalised abortion if certain conditions were met
        • The child was going to have serious disabilites
        • The mother was at risk of serious physical or mental harm if the pregnancy continued
        • An abortion can be carried out before 28 weeks
    • Driving offences
      • 1872 = horse-drawn coach whilst drunk was illegal
      • 1925 = illegal to drive a car while drunk
      • 1967 = set a maximum limit for the amount of alcohol a person could have in their bloodstream
      • 20th century = government show how dangerous it is to speed and make it less acceptable to the general public
    • Drug-taking
      • many drugs first became illegal in 1971 - Misuse of Drus Act


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