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  • Homeostasis
    • Controls:
      • Temperature
      • Blood Glucose concentration
      • Blood salt concentration
      • Water potential of blood
      • Blood pressure
      • CO2 concentration
    • Negative Feedback process
      • 1. Optimum condition(s)
        • 2. Change away from optimum
          • 3. Receptor detects change
            • 4. Communication system informs effector
              • 5. Effector acts to reverse change
                • 6. Return to optimum
                  • 1. Optimum condition(s)
                    • 2. Change away from optimum
                      • 3. Receptor detects change
                        • 4. Communication system informs effector
                          • 5. Effector acts to reverse change
                            • 6. Return to optimum
        • The reversal of a change in the internal environment to return to a stady state or optimum position
        • e.g. Being hot and cooling down
      • Positive Feedback
        • 1. Reponse to increase original change
          • e.g. Being cold and getting colder
          • 2. Optimum condition
            • 2.1. Change away from optimum
              • 2.4. Receptor detects change
                • 2.3. Communication system informs effector
                  • 2.2. Effector reacts to increase change
                    • 2.1. Change away from optimum
                      • 2.4. Receptor detects change
                        • 2.3. Communication system informs effector
                          • 2.2. Effector reacts to increase change
          • Good and bad
            • Good
              • Oxytocin productuion during childbirth
                • Oxytocin released in uterus to cause contractions
                  • Contractions trigger release of more oxytocin
                    • Makes next contraction stronger
                      • process continues until cervix is fully dilated
            • Bad
              • 1. When cold enzyme activity slows
                • 2. Therefore less reactions take place
                  • 3. Less reactions take place so become colder
                • 3. Less reactions take place so become colder


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