
  • Created by: cieran32
  • Created on: 20-09-18 09:26
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  • synapses
    • neurons do not need to make direct contact; there is a small gap called a synapse
      • signals need to cross this gap to continue on its journey to, or from the CNS
      • this is done using chemicals which diffuse across the gap between the two neurons.
      • chemicals= neurons transmitters
    • how is resting potential created
      • sodium ions (NAT) are actively transported out of the axon whereas potassium ions are actively transported into the axon via the sodium-potassium pump
    • After the sensory receptor has detected a change in the environment, an impulse is sent along the neuron by temporarily changing the voltage across the axon membrane; membrane switches between 2 states resting and action potential
    • resting potential
      • when a neuron  is not transmitting an impulse, the potential difference across its membrane is (difference in charge between the inside and outside of the axon) known as resting potential
      • outside of the membrane is more positively charged than the inside of the axon
      • this occurs when the movement of sodium and potassium ions move acriss the memebrane


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