Hawk Roosting - Ted Hughes

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  • Hawk Roosting
    • Context
      • As a child, ted Hughes quickly became aware of the hostile and violent forces of nature
      • he grew up in the countryside (surrounded by nature from young age)
      • stdied anthropology ( study of anatomy and evolution), as well as archaeology, linking to the theme of nature
      • hughes served in the RAF for 2 years, links to imagery of killing and flying
    • Death and Loss
      • "The allotment of death"
        • the hawk is creating a garden of death and feels no regret or remorse
      • structure and form
        • the poem is in regular stanzas of four lines each, possibly reflecting the cyclical nature of the hawks killing and the continuous loop of the loss
      • "in sleep rehearse perfect kills"
        • the hawk believes that the killing he is doing is perfect and is what the world needs, he is helping and is therefore superior
      • "I kill where I please"
        • the hawks superiority complex allows it to do whatever it feels like without remorse, as it believes it is a higher and superior being
    • Negative Emotions
      • "The allotment of death."
        • illustrates an idea of an ever growing garden of death created by the hawk, showing his ruthless hostility
      • structure and form
        • the poem is in regular four line, possibly reflecting the cyclictic killing of the hawk and the repeating pain it causes
      • "My manners are tearing off heads"
        • he has his own set of rules and ideas, unconforming, although others may believe this negative and immoral, he disagrees
      • "No arguments assert my right"
        • Nothing fights back against the hawk, similar to political leaders
    • Nature
      • "The convenience of the high trees!"
        • nature has been tailored for the hawks comfort and convenience
      • "It took the whole of Creation/ To produce my foot"
        • the hawk believes that nature revolves around him and him alone, he is what nature exists for and he is the centre of it all
      • structure and form
        • the poem is in regular stanzas of four lines each, possibly reflecting the cyclical essence of nature and its ever repeating cycle of life and death
      • "The sun is behind me./ Nothing has changed since I began."
        • the hawk believes that he doesn't affect anything because nature continues in the same way it always has after he kills


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