Hamlet Context

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  • Hamlet Context
    • Religion
      • Protestantism
        • did not believe in purgatory
          • problem of the ghost: it could not have been from purgatory in Christian belief
        • the protestant reformation 16th century
          • working to place the bible in the hands of the people, dissolved catholic monasteries
          • Henry VII and Elizabeth I
        • Martin Luther and the emergence of Protestantism
          • Hamlet attends Wittenburg university, the uni of Martin Luther
      • the Supernatural
        • nightime had no lighting and was often refered to as the witching hour
        • the ghost is a supernatural entity which is not classed as a problem
      • Catholicism
        • the reformation had taken place in Denmark
      • Funerals
        • suicide could not be approved as a clerical burial
          • ophelia's death was a secret burial due to the circumstance
      • the ten commandments
        • thou shalt not kill
          • Claudius' murder of his brother
          • Hamlets complication between killing Claudius and not can be argued as religious
        • thou shalt not commit adultery
          • Gertrude did not do this, however her incestuous desires could be seen as blasphemous
      • the book of common prayer
        • forbidden to marry your husband's brother - Gertrude
    • 16th century
      • the monarchy
        • Queen Elizabeth
          • unsure of succession due to her being the virgin queen
          • she was a successful monarch during her reign with semi-successful foreign policy
        • Denmark didn't have a successive monarchy meaning they could chose next king
          • explains how Claudius got the throne
      • women
        • Women were still considered to be socially inferior
        • property of a woman became men's
          • ophelia with Laertes and Polonius
        • were to look pretty
      • Henry the 8th
        • married Catherine of Aragon
          • she had been previously married to his brother so he divorced her
            • Gertrude  and Old Hamlet
    • the Origins
      • Saxo Grammaticus
        • Gesta Danorum
          • introduced hamlet's melancholy
          • Amleth - new character name
      • Ur-Hamlet
        • Thomas Kyd, play now lost
      • Influence from society
        • Polonius' Character - William Cecil from the Queens court who had spied everywhere
        • Shakespeare son was called Hamnet
    • Tragedy
      • Seneca the Greek Playwright
        • division into 5 acts
          • the final act see the resolution of the play being achieved
            • hamlet and all of the toxic peoples deaths
        • explore the aspects of revenge, occult and supernatural
          • avenger must go through a moral awakening then die
      • revenged tragedy
        • included insanity, murder, supernatural, graveyards and ambition
        • harmatia - fatal flaw
          • hamlets fatal flaw is his procrastination
        • catharsis - purification or purging of emotions
        • Hamlet is both avenger and vulnerable


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