Global Governance

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  • Global Governance
    • Too much or too little?
      • GG Deficit
        • Not enough GG
          • Solution: create more GG institutions to control more
          • States still too powerful
      • Legitimacy Deficit
        • Too much global governance
        • Sovereignty must be returned to the states
        • Undemocratic and too powerful
        • Realist perspective
        • GG too Westernised
          • Exclusive, Capitalist and unequal
            • Realist perspective
      • GG and Legitimacy Deficit
        • Not enough GG and the GG we have isn't legitimate enough
        • Solution: make more GG institutions and increase the legitimacy
          • More pluralistic institutions, open, equal and democratic
    • Realist / Marxist Perspective
      • Right reflects might
      • GG doesn't restrict the power of states
        • E.g. action in Libya without the authority of the UN security council
          • More recently, the use by Trump of weapons against Syria
      • GG reflects the interests of powerful states
        • E.g. many countries excluded from the UN Security Council
          • E.g. the BRICS
      • Enhances the capitalist order
        • E.g. WTO encourages the capitalisation of smaller states
        • Its institutions promote inter-state trade
      • Expertise reflects political interests
      • GG reflects western liberal norms
        • E.g. the equality of women, which is not necessarily reflected in all societies
      • GG as a sight of conflict and contestation, rather than harmony
        • The unilateral nature of GG can promote diplomatic conflict between states
    • Liberalist Perspective
      • GG promotes peace
      • GG transcends and restricts state power
        • UN Security Council needs authorisation
          • However, this isn't necessary and can be seen as restricted
      • GG in general a good thing
      • Elevates right over might and expertise over politics
      • Fosters coercion and multilateralism
      • Promotes universal liberal norms
    • Constructivist / Post-Structuralist Perspective
      • GG is autonomous from states
      • GG embodies a particular form of power
        • Right is might
        • Expertise is politics
      • GG promotes  universal liberal, social, political and economic norms
        • But these are also biased towards the West.
          • Generates new identities etc favoured towards the West
        • E.g. human rights, democracy, universal sovereignty etc


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