Inspector Calls - GC

  • Created by: mh12
  • Created on: 11-10-16 18:00
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  • Gerald Croft
    • 'Everything's all right now, Sheila. What about this ring?'
      • Because the Inspector wasn't a real policeman, and they think the girl may not even have been the same one, he is acting as though the affair never happened even though it did.
      • He is returning to normal straight away, he doesn't understand how his actions have still had an impact on people's lives.
      • Theme: Responsibility
    • 'Either there's a dead girl or there isn't'
      • He doesn't allow for variations and emotion at all, even though none of it changes the fact he cheated on Sheila. He doesn't see that though.
      • Theme: Responsibility
      • The words 'dead girl' suggests he doesn't relate to her at all, and regards her as nothing to him.
        • Alternatively, could mean he does remember her and is attempting to hide his true feelings for fear of appearing sympathetic towards the lower classes, because of Arthur's strong Capitalist views.
    • 'I insisted on a parting gift of money'
      • Thinks money is more valuable than anything else
      • His involuntary reaction is to pay because he doesn't know how to console her emotionally
      • Theme: Class Differences
      • Feels guilty for his actions


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