geography development

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  • reasons for uneven development
    • historic factors
      • colonies supplied food tot he country that "owned" them, this hindered the development the colony but aided the development of the 'mother' colony
      • trade - countries with good trading partners or countries on trade routes developed more quickly than countries that did not trade
      • politics - countries with stable governments developed more quickly, if they're at civil war/war more money goes towards that, if its corrupt the money may be spent on things fro the elite group of people
    • physical factors
      • natural hazards - countries that suffer the most divert the income to help recover from these on a regular basis
      • climate - countries which have more rainfall etc. can support itself with food they produce and trade with it
      • natural resources - resources help a country to develop will bring income to the country
      • landlocked countries - find it harder to trade their good and some are limited to those around
    • economic factors
      • foreign investment - it brings money into the country however things are changing as companies from developed countries are starting to invest in emerging countries eg) Coca Cola in India
      • infrastructure - developed countries have good infrastructure and therefore companies want to invest in them because they know their goods will be produced and moved quickly
      • Untitled


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