GCSE R&J Character analysis with quotes - Benvolio

  • Created by: NoaG22
  • Created on: 15-02-22 14:55
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  • Benvolio
    • peacemaker
      • Act 1 scene 1
        • "put up your swords"
          • peaceful character - try's to stop the fight
        • "I do keep  the peace"
          • shows he is a soft and sensible character that doesn't try to fight with Tybalt
    • loyal to Romeo
      • Act 2 Scene 4
        • "Nay, he will answer the letter's master, how he dares, being dared
          • this suggests that he wants Romeo to decide he wants to
    • close with  Romeo
      • Act 1 Scene 1
      • Act 2 Scene 1
        • "Romeo! My cousin Romeo Romeo!
          • He speaks with possession regarding Romeo
          • shows he’s proud of his cousin
    • benevolent (good)
      • Act 1 scene 1
        • "put up your swords"
          • peaceful character - try's to stop the fight
        • "I do keep  the peace"
          • shows he is a soft and sensible character that doesn't try to fight with Tybalt




shows good knowledge! and good analysis!

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