Functions of a Business enterprise

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  • Functions of a business enterprise
    • Sales
      • Reduce the risk of poucet failure Market research
    • Administration
      • Planning and Organising - creating sort and long term plans that set the aims and goals for the business
      • Directing the business in the direction hat it should go
      • Organising staff with the righ people must coordinate with HR, and keeping tracking new employees progress
      • Be the liaison between staff and management
    • Finance
      • Without finance a company can't operate to meet the stockholders expectations
      • Promotion
    • Purchasing
      • Producing Material
      • Evaluating Prices
    • Public Relations
      • Public relations professionals work to obtain free publicity for their client.
      • A PR professional crafts press releases resembling a compelling news story
      • public relations is to create a press kit, or media kit.
    • Personnel(Human Resources)
      • Personal Details
      • Absence Details
      • Terms and conditions that can come under pay and all of that
      • Employment History


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