Functionalist theories of inequality

  • Created by: jesskeayy
  • Created on: 07-06-17 17:30
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  • Functionalist theories of inequality
    • Inequality is functional in society, as the intelligent in society will rise to the top
      • Meritocracy allows us to have social mobility and be equally repaid for our hard work
    • Those that fail to achieve fail because they do not want to, they're somewhat lacking in ability and talent
    • Social Darwin Theory
      • Idea that the most intelligent and strongest people will become the wealthiest and most powerful in society
      • Conveys the idea that the weak should be punished for their underachievements
    • Davis-Moore Theory
      • Attempts to explain inequality in economic terms
      • Inequality is essential for societies to function and develop
      • Inequality must be good if it exists in all societies
      • Without the reward of social mobility and wealth, no one would seek to achieve anything in society
      • Pay and status reflect a person's position in society
        • Who can decide the importance of a job within society. Celebs paid more than doctors and nurses who save the lives of millions
        • Many wealthy are born into wealth, they often have not earned it, so the most powerful don't always earn it through meritocracy
          • Theory provides an excuse for the rich to be greedy and selfish. They believe they are morally right because of their powerful position
        • Many do not want to achieve because of money, but due to their social position and personal factors




Functionalist theories of inequality are concerned with the extent to which a particular outcome can be explained by examining the characteristics of those that are better or worse off. Here you check this spy phone app review and get more things about the software. Functionalism is the study of social equality by examining whether or not people's standings in society can be explained by the characteristics they possess.

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