

- Conveting fractions to decimals.

- Calculating a fraction of a quantity.

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  • Fractions
    • Work out on your calculator 3 divide 4 you should get 0.75. This means 3/4= 0.75
      • 1) 1/2= 0.5  2) 2/5= 0.4 3) 3/5= 0.6
    • Find 1/5 of 30. Finding 1/5 of a quantity means the same as dividing the quantity into five equal parts. So 1/5 of 30 is the same as 30 divide 5 = 6. so 1/5 of 30 is 6.
      • 1) Find 1/3 of 18 = 6.        2) 1/8 of 32 = 8.              3) 1/5 of 35 = 7.
    • Find 4/5 of 40. 1/5 of 40 = 40 divide 5 = 8. So 4/5 of 40= 8 x 4 = 32
  • Work out on your calculator 3 divide 4 you should get 0.75. This means 3/4= 0.75
    • 1) 1/2= 0.5  2) 2/5= 0.4 3) 3/5= 0.6




32 divided by 8 is 4 not 8!

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