forces summary

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  • newtons first law
    • a force has both size and direction,is a vector quantity
    • forces are measured in newtons (N)
    • in diagrams we show the direction of a force with an arrow and the size of the force by drawing the lengh of the arrow to scale
    • a force acting in one direction can give a positive vlaue and a force acting in the ooppositite direction can be givenn a negative value
    • forces arise between objecs
      • the forces on these objects are equal and opposie
        • friction is a force that always opposes motion
    • in the abstance of unbalanced forces,an object will continue to movee in a sraight line at constant speed(its velocity is constant) or will stay at rest it it was at rest
    • common forces which act upon objects
      • AIR RESISTANCE (or drag) and FRICTION are forces that ACT AGAISNT MOTION
        • if an object is moving then AIR RESISTANCE or DRAG acts aganist the forward force(THRUST oor WEIGHT)
        • FRICTION occurs at a surface where two forces are acting in opposite directions to each other
    • reslultant forces
      • when an onject is subjeced to multiple forces it is possible to peplace multiple forces acting at a single point with a SINGLE FORCE KNOWN AS A RESULTANT FORCE
        • if two force are acting in the same direction on sn get the resultant force you need to add the two forces together
          • the objec experiences a resultant force of 115N acting the the RIGHT
        • if two forces are acting in parallel but opposite directions,we subtract them
          • the objec experiences a resultant force of 2N to the right
      • multiple forces acting on an object
        • force 2 and 3areequal and opposite and therfore canacel each other out.this means the object will either rise or fal
          • we subtract the reaiming force 1 and force 4 forces and get 65N to the right since force 1 arrow is bigger


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