
  • Created by: tia5sos
  • Created on: 15-10-20 17:24
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  • Forces
    • can be contact or non - contact
      • to exert a contact force, two objects must be touching, for example pushing or pulling an object.
      • friction is a contact force - as an object is being pushed along a surface, there will be friction acting on it in the opposite direction.
      • non - contact forces are forces between two objects that aren't touching. for example, electrostatic, magnetic and gravitational forces.
      • an interaction pair is a pair of equal and opposite forces acting on two different objects. e.g. if a person leans against a wall, the person pushes on the wall and the wall puches back on the person. the forces on the person and the wall are equal and opposite. this is an example of newtons third law.
    • resultant force is the overall force on a point or object
      • in most real life situations there are at least two forces acting on an object along any direction.
      • the overall effect of the forces decide whether the object accelerates, decelerates or has a steady speed
      • if a number of forces act at a single point, you can replace them with a single force called the resultant force. The resultant force has the same effect on the motion as the original forces acting together.
      • if the forces all act along the same line (theyre all parrallel and act in the same or the opposite direction) , the resultant firces is found by just adding or subtracting them.


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