Financial Markets

  • Created by: Joe
  • Created on: 17-01-22 17:43
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  • Financial Markets
    • Functions
      • Liablilities
        • owe
      • Assets
        • own
      • Money Characteristics
        • Desirable
          • Deferred
          • Durable
        • Money Supply
          • Narrow Money
            • Liquid
          • Broad Money
            • Liquid and illiquid
          • Liquidity
            • Ease of access
          • Equity
            • own
          • Debt
    • Money Supply
      • Narrow Money
        • Liquid
      • Broad Money
        • Liquid and illiquid
      • Liquidity
        • Ease of access
      • Equity
        • own
      • Debt
    • Foreign Exchange Markets
      • currencies bought and sold
        • spot market
          • immediate
        • forward market
          • RISK importers exporters
    • Capital Markets
      • Stock exchange
        • PLCs
          • Finance growth
      • Bond market
        • Corporate  Bonds
        • Government finance Fiscal deficit
        • Government bonds
          • Gilts
        • Sold second hand - stock exchange
          • maturity
        • Coupon
          • Fixed interest
    • Money markets
      • Link savers and borrowers
        • Short term
        • Convert to cash
        • Banks organise assets
          • Liquid
          • illiquid
            • Profit
            • LIBOR - needing if too illiquid
          • LIBOR - needing if too illiquid
  • Exchange
  • portable
    • uniformity
  • Double  C o want
  • owe
  • raise capital PLC
    • shares
    • bonds
  • Long term borrowing
  • Inverse
  • spot market
    • immediate


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