Film: Harry Potter - Genre (Action/Adventure)

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  • Film: Harry Potter - Genre (Action/ Adventure)
    • Themes
      • Quest of self discovery
      • Quest to find the horcruxes
      • Quest for vengeance
      • To solve the wizarding world
      • Quest to save Hogwarts
      • Quest to defeat evil - Quest to save friendship
    • Iconography
      • Wands, sword of Gryffindor
      • Fire and explosions
      • death and blood
      • destruction
    • Typical Situations
      • Explosions
      • Fight Sequences
      • Whole film seen as a 'chase'
      • Only one person can save everyone
      • Hidden danger/ traps
      • Murder/ Pain - Harry
    • Settings
      • Gringots Bank
      • Forbidden Forest
      • Underground vaults
      • Chamber of secrets
      • Hogwarts
    • Stock Characters
      • Harry - his adventure and journey
      • Henchmen
      • Malfoy - deatheaters
      • Snape - hero in disguise
    • Style
      • CGI - green screen
      • 'Rollercoaster' style edtiing throughout the film
      • Quick transitions - editing style
      • High concept


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