Fighting Disease

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  • General
    • Fighting Disease
      • Vaccination
        • Protects from future infections
          • When infected - takes a few days for white blood cells to attack
          • Vaccination - dead/inactive micro-organisms
            • Carry antigens, cause antibodies to attack
          • Live micro-organisms ente afterwards - react quicker
          • Some vaccinations 'wear off' - booster injections
        • Pros
          • Control infectious diseases that were common in UK
          • Prevent epidemics
        • Cons
          • Don't always work
          • Can have bad reactions (rare)
      • Drugs
        • Relieve or cure?
          • Painkillers - relieve
            • Don't solve the problem just stop the problem for a while
          • Cold remedies - don't cure, just reliev symptoms
          • Antibiotics - kill/cure symptoms
            • Different antibiotics for different viruses - need right one
          • Antibiotics don't destroy viruses (only bacteria) viruses harder to kill
            • In cells - can only kill cells
        • Resistant
          • Bacteria - mutate
            • Resistant to antibiotics (antibiotic resistant bacteria)
          • Only non-resistant bacteria is killed by treatments
          • Leftover bacteria survive (natural selection)
          • Resistant straincancause serious infection -can't be treated
          • Avoid over-prescribing antibiotics
      • Past and Future
        • Semmelweis
          • Vienna general hospital - 1840s
          • Sawwomen dyingafter childbirth from puerperal fever
          • Believed it was spread by doctors unclean hands
            • Told thgem to use antiseptic
          • Antiseptic - killed bacteria
          • Semmelweis couldn't prove why what he did worked - practice dropped when he left hospital
        • Antibiotic resistance
          • Becoming more common
        • Bacteria
          • Mutate - new strains
          • Antibiotic-resistant
          • new strain - no immunity
          • new strain - spreads rapidly
        • Viruses
          • mutate often - hard to develop vaccines (different antigens)
          • Deadly + infectious virus = very bad
          • Precautions - vaccines, antiviral drugs
          • Flu pandemic - kill billions
    • Pathogens
      • Bacteria
        • Very small living cells (1/100th body cell)
        • Damage cells
        • Produce toxins
        • Reproduce rapidly in body
      • Virus
        • Not cells
        • tiny (1/100th bacteria)
        • Replicate using cells 'machinery,
        • Cell bursts when too many virus inside
        • Cell damage makes you feel ill
    • Defence system
      • Skin, hair, mucus - respiratory tract
      • Platelets prevent micro-organisms getting in cuts
      • Immune system
        • White blood cells
    • White blood cells
      • Consume
        • Engulf foreign cells and digest them
      • Produce antibody
        • Molecules (antigens) on surface
        • Foreign antigen - produce proteins (antibodies)
          • Antibodies rapidly produce
            • Carried round body to kill similar antigens
        • If someone is infected agin - immune
          • Like chicken pox
      • Produce antitoxins
        • Counteract toxins produced by invading bacteria


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