Exploring Oceans 4. How is climate change impacting the ocean system?

  • Created by: DanBish
  • Created on: 08-05-22 22:51
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  • How is climate change impacting the ocean system?
    • How acidification of oceans contributes to depleting fish stocks and has resulting impacts for people.
      • Impacts of acidification on marine ecosystems
        • Molluscs and Crustacea are less able to build their shells
        • If members of the lower trophic levels are more susceptible to predation they are less likely to reach maturity and breed
        • If these organisms reduce in numbers, the higher trophic    levels in marine ecosystems are put at risk
        • Declining populations of marine organisms with Calcium Carbonate shells and skeletons affect the carbon cycle
      • Human impacts of ocean acidification
        • 200 million tonnes of seafood are produced annually across the globe (from ocean fishing and aquaculture such as fish farms)
        • Some LIDCs and EDCs depend on seafood as a source of protein as they have limited agricultural alternatives
        • By 2050 both population increase and ocean acidification are likely to put great stress on fishing in the tropics.
    • The rising temperature of the oceans and its threat to coral ecosystems, such as coral bleaching, loss in biodiversity and threats to local communities.
      • Conditions required by coral
        • Sunlight - 25m or less water, so sunlight can reach them, as algae needs sunlight to survive
        • Clean and clear water - Water that can allow light to pass through, so the algae can survive. Wastewater discharge can cause seaweeds to overgrow the reef
        • Warm water - A mean of 26C
        • Wave action - Well oxygenated water needed, so some wave action, but not enough for damage to the corals
        • Salt water - Corals need saltwater to survive, requiring a balance of salt to water - don't exist where fresh water drains into ocean
      • Threats to coral
        • Rising sea levels - Less sunlight and warmth can reach the coral
        • Intense storms - Increase wave energy, which could cause physical harm to the corals
        • Ocean acidification - Reducing corals ability to build up carbonate structures
      • Impacts of corals dying
        • Coral bleaching - The algae dying from ocean acidification, and rising sea levels, cause the corals to lose their colour
        • Loss of bio-diversity - Lots of marine life live off of corals, either eating the algae, or animals that live on the corals
        • Loss of habitats - Marine life can't live on the coral if it dies out
        • Local communities - Local communities make money off of reefs, either tours, or renting out scuba gear for tourists to visit them


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