Explanations of Conformity PEELS

  • Created by: H4f5ah
  • Created on: 21-12-21 08:38
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  • Explanations of Conformity PEELS
    • P= RTS ISI as an explanation of conformity was conducted by Jenness
      • E= Participants were asked to individually estimate the  number of jelly bean in a jar. They were then asked to make a group estimate, then a final individual estimate.
        • E= Jenness found that participants second private estimate was closer to the group estimate than their own original estimate.
          • L= Therefore, supporting ISI as an explanation of conformity as due to the task being ambiguous participants were unsure, so turned to the group for information and changed their answer publicly and privately to be right.
    • P= However, RTS NSI as an explanation of conformity, conducted by Asch, ha gender bias.
      • E= Only males were tested.
        • E= Difficult to generalise the findings to females as it is suggested that women might be more conformist as they are more concerned by social relationships and more concerned with being liked by their peers than males. (Neto, 1995)
          • L= Therefore, this shows that NSI underlies conformity for some people more than others. This weakens the external validity of research in NSI as an explanation of conformity.
    • P= RTS NSI as an explanation of conformity was conducted by Asch.
      • E= Participants were asked to state which comparison line was the same length as the stimulus line 'x'. Confederates gave their answers first and gave incorrect answers.
        • E= Asch found that participants conformed and gave the same wrong answer as the confederates 37% of the time.
          • L= Supporting NSI as an explanation of conformity as even though the task was unambiguous, participants still conformed in order to avoid ridicule from the group, which is what NSI suggests.


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