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  • Ethics: A moral code that psychologists follow in order to protect participants + experimenters.
    • Respect
      • Informed Consent: The participant must give official and explicit consent to take part.
      • Right to Withdraw: The participant must have the right to withdraw from the experiment at any time, and should know of this right.
      • Confidentiality:  Personal details or private results gained must be kept confidential and anonymous unless the participant consents to otherwise.
    • Responsiblity
      • Protection from harm: The experiment must not physically or psychologically damage the participant or cause long term changes.
      • Debrief: After an experiment where the aim has been unclear, researchers + psychologists must make it very clear to the participants what the actual aim of the study is and answer any questions that participants have or feel uncomfortable about.
    • Competence
      • Psychologists must provide the services  (academic or training) to a high ability where specialist knowledge is concerned. 
        • E.g. psychologists should consider how to care for participants and any skills they must have whilst running the experiment.
    • Integrity
      • Deception: Researchers must be honest in their acts and the outcomes of the experiments itself.
        • Whilst some information may need to be hidden (the aim, for methodological reasons) participants should not be lied to/ deceived for no reason.


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