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  • environment
    • How are these environmental problems being tackled?
      • conservation-aims to reduce the amount of resources used by human activity. It protects endangered species
      • International action and legislation – through international treaties, governments across the world can agree to regulate the use of harmful chemicals, or to reduce the output of greenhouse emissions.
      • Sustainable development - the needs of future generations should have equal weight to the needs of people today, meaning we should try to prevent long-lasting damage to the environment, conserve resources or replace those we use up.
      • Recycling - some waste products can be broken down and turned back into new products. This reduces the amount of waste going into landfill sites or being incinerated. Glass, paper, metal and some plastics are common materials that can be recycled.
    • What does Christianity teach about the environment?
      • "God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it."
      • "Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything."
      • "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it."
    • What does this mean in practice?
      • the guiding principles are to respect God's handiwork of creation, not to exploit any aspect of creation and to be aware of the needs of future generations.
      • "…the dominion granted to man by the Creator is not an absolute power, nor can one speak of a freedom to 'use and misuse', or to dispose of things as one pleases."
      • "Christianity is first and foremost a concern for the whole of the created order — biodiversity and business; politics and pollution; rivers, religion and rainforests...If Christians believe in Jesus they must recognise that concern for climate change is not an optional extra but a core matter of faith."
      • "We recognise that poverty forces people to degrade creation in order to survive; therefore we support the development of just, free economies which empower the poor and create abundance without diminishing creation's bounty."
      • "Where we see crisis, we also see opportunity to remake society as a communion of people living sustainably as part of the natural world. By leading the simpler lives of a low-carbon society, we draw nearer to the abundance of peace, freedom and true community."


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