English W5L6

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  • English W6L4
    • Memories in Kamikaze
      • The speaker is the Kamikaze Pilot's daughter.
      • As the pilot is about to go through with it, he realises the beauty of nature.
        • He is conflicted about whether or not he wants to be a father or a pilot. He choses to be a father and turns around.
          • As a result, he is shunned by his family and neighbours.
            • It is shameful in Japanese society to return from a war without success. They should kill themselves.
              • The pilots and the rest of society have been brainwashed into believing this.
              • The family is shamed as well as the pilot, which is why the family shuns the pilot.
            • His children don't understand at first, but eventually they do, they isolate him also.
              • His daughter's daughter wonder's if he made the right decision and if he feels like he did too.
                • She wondered what would have been a better way to die.
      • 'Like a huge flag'
        • The pilot is watching the fish swim in unison. This is similar to The pilots as they are just following each other and societal expectations.
        • The reference to the flag is patriotic. The pilots are performing a duty for their country.
      • 'shaven head full of powerful incantations'
        • The societal expectations have brainwashed the pilots.
        • The shaven head could represent the lack of individuality.
        • The incantations suggests that they have heard it multiple times. They hear is all the time.
        • The word 'full' suggests that there is no room in the pilots' heads to think for themselves.
      • 'We too learned to be silent'
        • The children didn't see him as a disgrace at first. They loved him because he was their father.
        • As they grew older, they were brainwashed by society.
        • As society brainwashed them, they began to see their father as less of a father and just a man who failed his country.
    • Responsibility in J&H
      • Societal Responsibility
        • Represented in the the character of Utterson
          • Stevenson does this because Utterson is seemingly good, however he covers up things for his friends.
            • He's using his position in society to his own advantage
        • A group of people or person who are responsible for each other and our earth
      • Personal Responsibility
        • Represented through the character of Hyde
          • Hyde is Jekyll's manifestation of his personal desires.
          • Jekyll has created Hyde to avoid that personal responsibility he has.
            • It is easier for Jekyll to ignore all the bad things that Hyde as done because it's Hyde, not himself (even though it technically is himself.
        • Being able to be responsible for yourself.
      • Scientific Responsibility
        • Represented in the character of Jekyll
          • It shows the power of humans.
          • Stevenson compares Lanyon, a a cautious scientist who doesn't explore outside what has been discovered, to Jekyll, a less cautious scientist who wants to explore the unknown.
          • The message is "just because you can, doesn't mean you should"
        • Science has to protect us or improve human life
      • Responsibility= an obligation to behave correctly/ the ability to act independently/having a duty
    • Science and Ambition in J&H
      • Science was a new thing in Victorian.
        • It was the unknown and that scared people.
        • It was fascinating yet frightening
      • Dr Lanyon
        • Lanyon takes a rational and logical approach to science
        • Lanyon represents the rest of society. The ones who don't want to dele into the unknown.
          • They are less ambitious.
      • Dr Jekyll
        • Jekyll represents the ambitious side of society.
        • He wants to explore the unknown.
          • He wants to mess with what was seemingly out of human control.
        • He isn't repressing himself like the majority of society.
          • He isn't trying to fit into God's image and following God's wishes
            • He is seemingly breaking the Great Chain of Being
      • Darwinism
        • Darwin's theory disrupted religious beliefs.
        • It challenged the idea that God created us all.
          • It made people question how powerful humans can be.


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