
  • Created by: ricardo14
  • Created on: 19-03-19 13:20
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  • energy
    • biofules
      • methane gas
        • from animal/cow manure
      • renewable
      • carbon-neutral
      • carbon neutral
        • the same amount of carbon that goes in comes out
          • Untitled
    • nuclear power
      • nuclear fuel
      • contains a positively charged nucleus
      • reactor core
    • wind power
      • wind turbine
        • electric generator
        • infinite power source
        • un reliable because if there is no wind there is no electricity produced
    • wave power
      • a wave generator uses the waves to make a floating generator
    • tidal power
      • traps water from each high tide
        • lets it out though turbines and creates electricity
    • hydroelectric power
      • hydroelectricity can be generated when rain water that's  collected in a reservoir
        • flows down hill
          • drives turbine and crates electricity
    • solar power
      • tuns sun light in to electricity
      • 10 % powere used
    • geothermal power
      • comes fro rnergy deep on the earth
      • relesed by radeoactive


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