Elizabethan Economy

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  • Elizabeth I: Economy
    • Trade
      • Pattern of Trade
        • Value of internal trade exceeding foreign trade
          • Growth in the shipping of coal from Tyne to the Thames
          • Coal exported across the North Sea, developing trade with France
        • Wider range of luxury foreign goods
        • Cloth trade with the Netherlands declined
      • Attempts to Expand Trade
        • Guinea was the main centre of African trade
          • Starting point of John Hawkins' move into the Americas - Invented the English slave trade
    • Exploration and Colonisation
    • Prosperity and Depression
      • Prosperity and Land
        • Landowners benefited from economic trends
          • Incomes rose
          • Acquired a range of material possessions
        • Overall increase in agricultural production, though bad harvests
      • Prosperity and Trade
        • Positive
          • Ship building
        • Negative
          • Desperate search for new markets to offset the decline in cloth trade
          • English financial institutions less sophisticated
      • Urban Prosperity
        • Old established towns declined
        • Decay in corporate boroughs who were dependent on cloth industry
        • New urban settlements
        • Growth of London as a port and industrial centre
          • Detrimental effect on other towns and cities
      • Depression
        • Real wages fell
        • Harvest failures
        • 9 of 44 harvests poor
        • Starvation in rural areas - North
      • Conditions of the Regions
        • South-east was the wealthiest
        • Poorest counties in the North and West Midlands
        • Main priority - public order


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