Elaboration likelihood model

  • Created by: hmarks62
  • Created on: 10-02-15 12:30
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  • Elaboration-Likelihood Model
    • Central routes to persuasion
      • Taken if an audience is likely to focus on the argument presented e.g. it is of personal interest to them
      • E.g. you want a new car that looks good, so will be more persuaded by a BMW advert than a Skoda
      • Audience motivated to think about message -> Focus on quality of argument -> Lasting attitude change
    • Peripheral routes to persuasion
      • Taken if the audience has no particular requirements of the product itself and is more influenced by contextual cues such as endorsement or mood
      • E.g. Buying a Vans T-shirt because Tony Hawk endorsed it
      • Audience not motivated to think about message -> focus on peripheral factors -> temporary attitude change
    • Cacioppo & Petty (1982): Some people enjoy analysing arguments - these people have a high need for cognition (NC) and are more likely to take the central route. those with lower NC are more likely to take the peripheral
      • Vidrine et al (2007): Students exposed to fact or emotion based smoking risk campaign. Those with higher NC were more influenced by fact based message.
        • Also found that when we lack expertise we are more likely to take the peripheral route when considering a health message. This explains why health claims unsupported by research (e.e organic is healthier) are often appealing to many people
    • Lin et al (2011) Students selected for purchase a mobile phone based on reviews from Amazon that differed in quantity and quality - high quality reviews were objective and fact based, low quality were subjective and emotional. Also measured NC.
      • Found both quantity and quality of reviews positively impacted purchasing intention, and higher NC lead to a greater emphasis on quality rather than quantity
    • Penner & Fritzsche (1993): No uni students volunteered to help an Aids victim with a school project, but this soared to 83% a week after Magic Johnson's announcement. 4 Months later it was back to low levels, showing it may only be temporary. The ELM does not explain this
    • Friske & Taylor (1984): If the content is not important then we choose contextual clues over the message, but this is not true when it is important. Therefore, Gary Lineker  may influence us selling crisps, but not anything serious. So both routes are used but on different occasions, a complexity  not explained by the ELM


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