Chemistry AS EL CI 1.2 3.1 11.2

  • Created by: A.B.
  • Created on: 23-10-13 17:25
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  • EL Group 2 and Writing Balanced Equations CI 1.2 3.1 11.2
    • Formula
    • State Symbols
      • Water is (l)
      • Solutions are (aq)
    • Group 2
      • Reactions of the elements
        • Metals react with water to give metal hydroxide and hydrogen.
        • Reactions become more vigorous as you go down the group.
      • The Oxides
        • The oxides react with water to produce an alkaline solution of the hydroxide
        • The oxides react with acids and so act as bases
      • The Hydroxides
        • Become more soluble as you go down the group
          • Solutions produced are alkaline since the solutions contain OH- (aq).
        • Solutions produced are alkaline since the solutions contain OH- (aq).
      • The Carbonates
        • Become less soluble as you go down the group
        • The carbonates undergo thermal decomposition on heating to give the metal oxide and carbon dioxide
        • Thermal stability increases down the group.


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