Education - The New Right

  • Created by: chlopayne
  • Created on: 22-04-19 13:04
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  • The New Right and education
    • 1980s in UK, there was a move towards New Right led by Conservativeunder Margaret Thatcher.
      • Suggests that the most efficient way to run a society is by encouraging competition and choice.
    • Perspectives on education
      • The state cannot run a good education system because there is not enough competition to power school improvement schemes.
      • Focus is entirely on schools, other causes of underachievement are overlooked.
    • Explanations of school failure
      • Argued that schools had declined because of the loss of grammar and secondary modern schools in the UK.
      • Selection was believed to be good for children.
      • Chubb and Moe found that poor children in fee-paying schools achieved better than in the state run schools.
        • They suggested that this was because private schools are responsive to the needs of parents.
      • Claims that school discipline had got worse, as it became difficult for teachers to physically punish children.
      • New teaching methods involving children in more active learning were deemed to have failed.
      • Belief that schools and local authorities were inefficient and wasteful of money because they are not focused as business.
      • School inspectors said that problems in education were caused by comprehensive schools becoming too examination orientated.
    • Evaluation
      • Exam results have improved, so  New Right changes to the education system have been a success.
        • However, there are many reasons to account for changes to results, such as grade inflation.
      • Teachers and school managers claim that the low standards of some state schools are a reflection of general poverty and poor funding.
        • If a system has schools in competition, there will be losing schools who attract only challenging pupils.
      • Jackson [2006] pointed out fear of failure in exams, has meant that boys have deliberately chosen not to participate.
        • Instead developed a culture of aggressive masculinity and laddishness that leads to confrontation with teachers and failure in exams.
      • Le Grand and Bartlett [1993] found that the popular schools are able to get the better pupils.
        • Schools in poorer areas are more likely to have high numbers of children with challenging behaviour, poor attitudes and learning disabilities.
      • Gorard & Smith [2010] pointed out that house prices in the catchment area of high-attaining schools rise,  poorer parents can't afford to send their children to better performing schools.
      • Better funded schools were more concerned with league tables than with pupils.
    • Aims of education
      • Encouraging competition + marketing ensure that schools are run effectively and in a business-like fashion.
      • Meeting the needs of employers so that there is a skilled and effective workforce to meet the needs of industry.
      • Improve educational standards for all children.
      • Create equality of opportunity between children + encourage a meritocratic society.
      • Allow freedom of choice, so  parents can choose the education that they believe will be best for their children.
      • Make teachers + schools accountable for their performance.
      • Performance of a school and of teachers can be measured by success rates in public exams.
    • Solutions to education
      • Encouraging competition between schools and pupils.
        • Reducing the power of local councils in the running of schools and allowing schools to make many of their own financial decisions.
      • Encouraging employers into schools.
        • Increased testing, inspection and publication of results.


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