easter 1916 poem mindmap

  • Created by: Natty Gee
  • Created on: 01-11-12 10:56
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  • EASTER 1916
    • moves from the general  to the specific- disconnection  to empathy and respect
      • at first ppl anonymous, than given names
        • at first wear MOTLEY than identified as GREEN
            • multi-coloured, clown suit?
              • GREEN?
                • color of ireland
                  • young immature, hope, regenerative
    • his ambivalence is conveyed through words of many meaning
      • richness&subtetly created by words wide possible meaning
        • reader engaged to the poem
          • decipher their own interpret.
    • expresses agony&suffering and elegant language
      • oxymoron-reluctant acceptance of the mythic heroism
        • knowing that all great art comes from the tragedy of history
    • political poem where he deals with  domestic problems
      • a conservatibe, but seeing his friends getting involved he  starts to ambivalently appreciate their scarifice
  • moves from the general  to the specific- disconnection  to empathy and respect
    • at first ppl anonymous, than given names
      • at first wear MOTLEY than identified as GREEN
          • multi-coloured, clown suit?
            • GREEN?
              • color of ireland
                • young immature, hope, regenerative


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