ICT - Learning with ICT

  • Created by: lou9119
  • Created on: 12-04-16 19:45
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  • Learning with ICT
    • Interactive White Boards (IWB)
      • -Large white screens are connected to a computer and used like a computer screen. A special pen is used like a mouse pointer.
    • Computer Assisted Learning (CAL)
      • -A way to learn a skill using a computer and interactive software on CD or DVD, or by using the internet.
    • Internet
      • -Helps with research, can create discussion groups on bulleting boards or forums and emails can provide contact with other pupils.
    • Application software
      • -Desktop publishing can help with presentations. Spread sheets can create charts and organise data and databases can be used to store, sort or search data and produce reports.
    • Distance learning
      • Distance learning is a means of studying for a qualification from home, online, using web pages and other resources and online exams.
      • Advantages:
        • Learn from anywhere.
        • Can be done at your own speed.
        • Chat rooms and forums.
        • Wide range of resources.
      • Dis-advantages:
        • Problems can't be easily solved with tutors.
        • Students may feel isolated.
        • Lack of motivation.


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