Dulce Et Decorum Est

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  • Dulce et decorum Est
    • Subject
      • It also shows the reality of trench life, with the soldiers described with the simile "bent like old beggars"
      • The Latin used at the end of the poem means 'it is sweet and honorable to die for you country', a concept Owen is strongly denying.
    • Themes
      • Warfare- As Owen describes it, war becomes a never-ending nightmare of muddy trenches and unexpected gas attacks.
      • Suffering-Physical pain and psychological trauma in this searing description of WW1 battleground.
    • Tone
      • Owen's own voice in this poem is bitter- perhaps partly fueled by the fact that he can do nothing to change the situation.
      • Owen dwells on explicit details of horror and misery in order to maximize the impact
    • Context
      • Wilfred Owen fought in the First World War and much of his poetry is about the horror's of that conflict.
      • Born in 1893 and died in 1918, just one week before the end of  WW1
      • His poem could be said to be violent and realistic. the first-hand experience of war is arguably one reason why there is such a shift in the attitude of the poets towards war.


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