Drugs Therapies for SZ

  • Created by: 0045253
  • Created on: 11-06-22 13:05
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  • Drug Therapies
    • based on the dopamine hypothesis, which assumes that dopamine activity is linked to schizophrenia
    • Typical Antipsychotic Drugs
      • Dopamine agonists, bind to D2 dopamine receptors blocking the stimulation of these receptors so they cannot absorb the dopamine. 
      • Treats positive symptoms; hallucinations.
      • STRENGTH
        • P - Evidence to support the effectiveness.
          • E - Julien (2005) found they treat positive symptoms for 70% of people with SZ and decrease the average length of time a person is hospitalised.
            • L - This shows that typical APs are effective.
      • WEAKNESS
        • P - They have side effects
          • E -  Side effects include dry mouth, constipation, lethargy.
            • E - 20-25% of sufferers will have side effects that involved disordered motor movements like tremors or Tardive Dyskinesia (involuntary tics)
              • L - This means 50% of sufferers stop taking the drugs within the first year.
    • Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs
      • Treats positive and negative (avolition) symptoms
        • Increases patient mood, reduces depression/ anxiety to improve cognitive functioning.
      • they bind only temporarily to the D2 dopamine receptors – then rapidly dissociate allowing for normal dopamine transmission
        • Blocks serotonin receptors – serotonin regulates dopamine levels
      • STRENGTH
        • P - There's evidence to support the effectiveness.
          • E - Meltzer (2012) concluded that Clozapine is more effective at reducing both positive and negative symptoms than typical APs.
            • E - Patients showed an improvement in their symptoms (even in the 30-50% treatment resistant cases where typical APs failed).
              • L - This shows that atypical APs are effective. 
      • WEAKNESS
        • P -  They can have serious side effects.
          • E - A major problem with some atypical  drugs is that some can cause agranulocytosis - extreme lowering of white blood cell count and high risk of serious infections.
            • E - Patients need to have their blood monitored monthly.
              • L - This can be a problem as their symptoms may interfere with their ability to make this commitment, which means ATAP are not always appropriate.
      • P - There are economic implications.
        • E - Cheaper than psychological therapy. as they require the patient to take a tablet rather than having regular therapy appointments.
          • E - They reduce the chance of relapse and symptoms of SZ so reduce likelihood of patients being hospitalised
            • L - This means that biological treatments for SZ have a positive impact on the economy.
      • P - Do not treat the underlying cause
        • E - Many psychologists state that drugs simply Suppress symptoms of SZ due to the sedative nature of the medication
          • E - Mnay of the studies into effectiveness of drugs therapies focus on short-term effects only and should focus on assessing long-benefits to the medication.
            • L - This means any reduction symptoms of SZ may return when medication is stopped.


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