Christianity Worship

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  • Christianity: Different Forms of Worship
    • Liturgical
      • Anglican and Catholic Eucharist
        • Includes a confession of sin and a request for God's mercy is said by everyone. There are readings and a sermon - this part is known as the 'liturgy of the word'. The Apostles Creed is then recited.
        • The priest says prayers over bread and wine - this is called the 'liturgy of the Eucharist'. Then the congregation says the Lord's Prayer and 'shares the peace' by shaking hands. They receive the bread and wine. Catholics call this the 'rite of communion'.
      • Orthodox
        • Orthodox services contain similar elements to Anglican ones: a sermon, bible readings, the Nicene Creed and blessing of bread and wine.
        • They include the 'Litany', where the priest says prayers and the congregation responds with 'Lord have mercy'. Worshippers sing or chant for most of the service. Services are often longer than most Anglican and Catholic services, and people stand for the majority of the time.
      • For many, Public worship helps them to feel involved in a wider Christian community. It can also help them feel closer to Jesus as they believe he is there in the church with them. Following traditions also helps them feel connected to other worshippers.
    • Non-Liturgical
      • Quaker
        • Usually unstructured. Worshippers sit together in silence, but they are free to pray or speak out loud.
      • Methodist
        • Don't have to follow a set structure, but there is a 'Methodist worship book' with suggested liturgy for parts of worship, e.g. the Eucharist. Services feature hymns, readings, a sermon and prayers. The Eucharist also takes place, but not every week
      • Evangelical
        • Spontaneous. Worshippers believe they're inspired by the Spirit - this is called 'charismatic worship'. It might inspire them to pray, clap, dance or shout. Sometimes they 'speak in tongues' praying in a whole different  language
    • Private Worship
      • Many Christians worship informally at home (not just on Sundays). This can be anything from saying grace before a meal to singing worship songs with family, to reading the Bible or praying.
        • Lots of Christians worship both publicly and privately - private worship can help them keep God in mind throughout their everyday lives. Some also find a greater freedom in private worship - they decide how they worship God and so feel a better connection with God.


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