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  • GDP - It is a measure of how wealthy a ountry is based on gross domestic income divide by the total population
    • Development
      • Factors affecting development
        • Natural Resources- natural resources such as coal, oila nd other minerals can be sold or used, which aids development.
        • War and conflict- This hinders develoment as the money is being spent on war supplies instead of imroving people's quality of life.
        • Location- Some countries don't have ports or no access to rivers and seas or are landlocked. This makes it hard for them to trade and grow their economy.
      • HDI stands for human development index and takes in literacy rate, birth rate, death rate , political corruption and other things to consideration to give a country a score out of 1 while 1 being the best and 0 being the worst.
      • Uneven Developement
        • In the world as a whole, most countries in the north are developed whereas the countries in the south are either emeging or undeveloped.
        • Uneven development could be a result of number of things. Physical differences such as different biomes and altitudes.
        • Uneven development in the UK- in the UK, the south is considered more developed than the north. This could be because the south has better transportation links and more money is spent on the infrustructure of the south than north.
        • Impact of uneven development include poor health and living conditions for those in rural and less developed areas. It also includes lack of jobs and transportation links.
        • Malawi is a londlocked country at the south-east of Africa. It has a population of 18 million. It has a very young population. Malawi has a very low GDP and HDI score and is 170th out 180 country in terms of develoment. Malawi also has serious HIV/AIDs pandemic which affects almost 10% of the country's population.


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