Design Argument

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  • Design Argument
    • Aim: focuses on the search for meaning and purpose within the universe, uses evidence from design to prove existence of supreme creator, posteriori, analogical.
    • Main Person- Paley: Watch example, shows evidence of design, something so complicated couldn't be here by chance, similar things occur in universe, we wouldn't assume these to be chance. Design Qua Regularity and Puroise
    • Origins-Socrates: things in nature seem well designed, work very wel, adaptation of human parts eg eye cant be down to chance but design.
  • Reformulation-Tennant: Looks at the beauty, it has no survival value.The facility to appreciate beauty in the universe is a pointer towards God implanted in human beings to make them indirectly aware of his presence.
    • Anthropic principle: looks at humanties existence and our physical make up. the gravity bale is perfect for us to be able to survive couldn't have been down to chance 'finely tuned'
      • Design Argument
        • Aim: focuses on the search for meaning and purpose within the universe, uses evidence from design to prove existence of supreme creator, posteriori, analogical.
        • Main Person- Paley: Watch example, shows evidence of design, something so complicated couldn't be here by chance, similar things occur in universe, we wouldn't assume these to be chance. Design Qua Regularity and Puroise
        • Origins-Socrates: things in nature seem well designed, work very wel, adaptation of human parts eg eye cant be down to chance but design.
  • Modern Scholar-Swinburne: nature is governed by natural laws and seem to conform some formula which God created-Scientific explanation cant account for this regularity.
    • Argument of probability: Nature is governed by the 'regularities of succession' could easily have been chaotic, must be designer rather than chance
  • Weaknesses
    • Hume- no knowledge of point of creation, limited experience to conclude God, watch = poor example
    • Darwin- world started of chaotic, we adapted to be better, doesn't suggest design but adaptation
    • Dawkins-Any design maybe chance, world has faults eg natural disasters


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