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  • Debates
    • Determinsim VS Free Will
      • Determinism: Behaviour is predetermined by external and internal factors
        • It is scientific and behaviour can be predicted (Causation)
        • People can't be held responsible for their actions
      • Free Will: People have a concious choice about life
        • People can be held accountable for their actions and it is more ethical
        • Unable to study scientifically
    • Nature VS Nurture
      • Nature: Genetics determine behaviour etc
        • A strong stance on either end means it doesnt provide a full explaination of behaviour
          • Nurture: The environment determines behaviour etc
          • Interactionist approach is a mixture of both
      • Nurture: The environment determines behaviour etc
    • Idiographic Vs Nomothetic
      • Idiographic: Focuses on the individual
        • Allows for a greater understanding of the individual
        • Results cannot be generalisable
      • Nomothetic: Foucses on a group of people rather than the individual
        • Results can be generalisable and can compare groups of people
        • Doesn't take into account uniqueness of each individual
    • Reductionism VS Holism
      • Reductionism: Best way to explain behaviour is by breaking it down it into simple components
        • Scientific because it reduces complex behaviour to a set of variables that can be tested
        • Can sometimes oversimplify complex behaviour. Limited in terms of its ability to explain.
      • Holism: The best way to explain behaviour is by looking at the system as a whole
        • Less scientific which makes it difficult to make predictions
        • Take into account complex interactions of phenomena


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