Crown Court- Comp and Jurisdiction

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  • Crown Court
    • Composition
      • Jury
      • A judge
      • circuit administrator
    • types of crown court
      • First tier
        • combined court as they sit in main cities alongside a high court, all three judges sit here and deal with all class of serious offences.
      • second tier
        • all three types of judges sit here to deal with all class of offence
      • third tier
        • they are staffed by only CJs and Recorders and don't hear the most serious crimes such as murder and ****.
    • criminal jurisdiction
      • Plea and Case Management
        • initial hearing, plea.
      • TEW
        • CC hears some if D chooses CC or is MC declines
      • Indictable
        • all offences after initial hearing at MC
      • Sentencing for MC
        • if MC want a harsher sentence
      • appeals from MC
        • can appeal from MC to CC


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