Criteria for classification and cutting.

  • Created by: Carly
  • Created on: 15-04-13 11:05
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  • Criteria for classification and cutting. FILM EXAMPLES
    • A new rule is discrimination
      • Grange Hill (PG) - Black pupil is referred to in racist terms but the drama makes it clear that this behaviour is unacceptable.
      • Film called 19 Martyrs showed original footage of 9/11 with comments of praise. Withdrawn by the distributors on the advice of the BBFC as it would break the law.
    • Protection of children
      • Little Miss Sunshine (15). Worried that the provocative dance (stimulating a ***** routine) at the end by a 10 year old girl is indecent
  • Context is all. (How things are portrayed).
    • Criteria for classification and cutting. FILM EXAMPLES
      • A new rule is discrimination
        • Grange Hill (PG) - Black pupil is referred to in racist terms but the drama makes it clear that this behaviour is unacceptable.
        • Film called 19 Martyrs showed original footage of 9/11 with comments of praise. Withdrawn by the distributors on the advice of the BBFC as it would break the law.
      • Protection of children
        • Little Miss Sunshine (15). Worried that the provocative dance (stimulating a ***** routine) at the end by a 10 year old girl is indecent
  • South Park contains a lot of swearing but gains a 15 due to the comedy.
    • Context is all. (How things are portrayed).
      • Saving Private Ryan has shots of a soliders blown up limbs but is a 15 because the story is not celebrating war, but showing the horrors in an educational way.
    • Saving Private Ryan has shots of a soliders blown up limbs but is a 15 because the story is not celebrating war, but showing the horrors in an educational way.
    • Animals
      • Oldboy - Eating a live octopus. Film makers lied about whether it was CGI or real. They were real but the BBFC didnt cut since the law only protects animals with a backbone.
        • Animals
          • Among the most notorious is Cannibal Holocaust which features the multilation and killing of several animals, including pigs and a turtle.
        • Language
          • Stronger language allowed at 15 but depends on how it is used, especially if aggressively towards women, how many times and the context e.g. comedy.
        • Sexual Violence
          • An area that has always worried the BBFC. Usually reserved for the higher categories
        • Graohic portrayals of **** are considered unacceptable at any level.
          • Sexual Violence
            • An area that has always worried the BBFC. Usually reserved for the higher categories
        • From 2000 onwards, the recent moral panic is sexual violence in films, dubbed torture ****.
          • Saw, Hostel, Human Centipede
        • Wolf Creek - The documentary film style make it a realistic, psychological torture and use of swearing (****) raises the film to an 18.
          • Graohic portrayals of **** are considered unacceptable at any level.


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