crime and deviance

  • Created by: AbbyCole
  • Created on: 02-11-14 14:21
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  • Crime and Deviance
    • What is crime and deviance
      • crime
        • An illegal act punishable by law for example murder
      • Deviance
        • a legal action which goes against the norms ad values of society.
          • However some deviant acts are also illegal like nudity in public is illegal but if you go to a nudist beach it is legal but just deemed deviant.
        • Deviance can change based on time, culture and place.
          • For example 60 years ago it was illegal to be homosexual but now gay marriage is legal.
    • Explaining Deviance
      • There are several reasons why people are either deviant and/or criminal- these reasons are mainly social
        • Inadequate socialisation within families
          • This highlights the negative influences of the failure of some parents to socialize their children to accept society's norms and values.
            • New Right approaches argue that children whose parents fail to take responsibility for socializing them correctly are more prone to crime.
        • Relative Deprivation
          • when feel relatively deprived compared to their peers they may feel compelled to steal or commit crime to gain items or funds to make them the same as their peers.
        • Marxist Explanations
          • This approach links crime to social inequalities that are built into capitalism
            • In a capitalism society, not everyone can have wealth and status so people commit crime to gain wealth and status
    • Crime Figures and Statistics
      • Official crime statistics of crimes are important source of secondary quantitative data.
        • However, many crimes are not reported and therefore crime statistics are inaccurate. The unreported statistics are called DARK FIGURES
          • Less serious crimes such as vandalism  are often under-reported
          • Crimes such as ****, sexual abuse and domestic violence are often under-reported because people are too scared to report them.
    • The impact of crime and deviance
      • There are three different ways to evaluate the impact on victims
        • Measurement research examines the type and number of people who are victim of crime
          • Surveys such as the British Crime Survey which provides info on victims of crime such as their age, gender and ethnicity.
        • Studies of the impact of crime show that crime can impact victims...
          • physically (being injured in an assault)
          • Financially(having to replace uninsured stolen items)
          • Socially (affecting victims' relationships with family and friends)
          • Psychologically ( feeling stressed after a burglary)
        • Studies of the role of the victim in the criminal justice process look at victims' role in reporting crime, providing evidence and acting as witnesses in court.
      • The impact of crime and deviance on society
        • crime impacts society on a whole because it creates fear or worry about crime regardless if they have been victims before
        • Crime can impact local communities  by creating fear of violence, burglary and car theft.
          • this leads to people feeling worried about walking alone after dark and antisocial behaviour. Crime is seen to make people believe ties in their community are breaking down.
        • White collar and corporate crimes
          • these types of crime can have financial, physical and social costs
            • Tax evasion  had a financial cost because it results in the government having a loss in revenue
        • Youth crime as a social problem
          • media coverage has lead to many people in society seeing youths as having antisocial behaviour and capable of identity theft and knife crimes.
            • youths drug-taking, binge-drinking, creating knife crimes and having antisocial behaviour have often ended upon the cover of national newspapers.
  • This highlights the negative influences of the failure of some parents to socialize their children to accept society's norms and values.
    • New Right approaches argue that children whose parents fail to take responsibility for socializing them correctly are more prone to crime.


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