Law - Control of Delegated Legislation

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  • Two ways its controlled is Parliamentry Control or Control Through The Courts.
        • If a person feels that a piece of DL is unlawful in some way they can dispute it through a special type of court action known as a Judicial Review. DL can be unlawful if it is... Ultra Vires - procedural and substantive or Ultra Vires - Unreasonableness.
          • Ultra Vires - Procedural......this means any procedure stated in the parent act had not been followed (Aylesbury Mushrooms).
  • SUPER- AFFIRMATIVE RESOLUTION PROCEDURE - Changes the rule that SI cannot be amended. DL mad under the Legislative & Regulatory Reform Act 2006 gives ministers permission to amend any form of DL - changes must be made in 60  days.
  • NEGATIVE RESOLUTIONS - Most DL laws are subject to this. SI will become law WITHOUT a debate or vote.
  • SCRUTINY COMITTEES - Joint committee on SI reviews all SI. Check if SI has gone beyond powers set out in Parent Act. Impose a tax on public. Has retrospective Affect. Committee will report any of these issues to both Houses - only reports back findings.
  • REPEAL PARENT ACT - As parliament has ultimate law making authority - parliaments control over DL as it can repeal a Parent act at any time.
  • Ultra Vires - Substantive....this occurs if the DL goes BEYOND POWER authorised by the parent act. A SI will be substantively ultra vires if it...imposes tax or interferes wit human rights.
    • Ultra Vires - unreasonableness is if DL is unreasonable known as Wednesbury unreasonableness.
      • Ultra Vires - Procedural......this means any procedure stated in the parent act had not been followed (Aylesbury Mushrooms).


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